Emergency Firework Advice

Preparing for fireworks:

** IF YOUR DOG IS OK don’t take this for granted! It doesn’t matter if they’re a puppy or a senior dog. Pair up fireworks with good things (bang = treat) and still try and block out the overall intensity. Sound sensitivity often develops after a particulary intense episode or is considered linked to pain (hence why many dogs >6years old appear to develope a sudden onset of sound sensitivity). It can change very easily.

– GIve your dog a slightly larger meal than normal (the pasta dinner effect). Caution with deep chested dogs or those who become nauseous when anxious.

– Give your dog a chew, kong, Lickimat, snuffle box (treats in a box of paper). Raw meaty knuckle and marrow bones are great as they last ages.

– If there’s a central room to your house (surrounded by walls), move there with your pets. Even if this is the bathroom!

– Move the TV so it is positioned infront of the window- turn it up loud.

– Classical music may be calming, but won’t cover the sound of fireworks well. Consider playing something with lots of beats! We have enjoyed listening to 70s disco on 5th November before.

– Purchase brown noise speakers and situate these infront of windows. We have three mini speakers around the home that play brown noise and one plays rippling stream/water. The variety of sounds can be a bit wearing, but it blocks out a lot of the noise. We use ‘lectro fan speakers which are amazing.

– Consider putting some shoes in the spin dryer (ones you don’t mind potentially ruining!). Never tried this, but it makes sense with regards to the sounds it would make. Be sure to start this before fireworks so it doesn’t make your dog more worse.

– Hang Duvets or heavy blankets over your windows (this may muffle sound)

– Consider making a den out of chairs and tables and hang duvets/heavy blankets over these, or over a crate your dog enjoys (don’t shut them in it when there are fireworks though!)

-If you have a fireplace/chimney, cover this with thick blankets- Get every device in your home playing brown noise, white noise or even the sound of a rippling brook or heavy rain. Place these in front of windows where you can or low down at the level your dog is resting.

– Don’t take your dog outside for a wee when fireworks are going off, ensure they have been around 4pm so they can hold on until later if needed.

– If a bang does go off when your dog is in the garden toileting try and make light of it by responding with the ‘jolly affect’ where you say ‘oooooh nevermind’ or ‘waheeeeeeey’ to try and make light of it. This will not work for phobic dogs, but may help dogs who are not phobic.

– If your dog will take food give them a tasty treat after each bang or even do some fun training with them

– Let your dog hide if they want to hide, do they have the option to hide by being given access to change rooms?

– Reassure your dog if they ask for it, this wont reinforce their fear.

If your dog is really struggling, call your vet first thing tomorrow morning and discuss fast acting medication. Cast aside stigma attached to medicating dogs, they shouldn’t become zombies and being a little whoozy is way better (and probably healthier) than being terrified.

Sadly it’s too late to de-sensitise your dogs during fireworks season, so just try sound block and distract them using food and chews. Start de-sensitisation around March/April after your dog has not encountered the stressor for a good while.